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Riordan Roundup

Saturday, April 12, 2025

3:00 pm - 8:00 pm  

Riordan Roundup
Saturday, April 12, 2025
ARHS Field / Gym

In the late 1990's and early 2000's Riordan had a fundraiser at halftime called Cow Plop Bingo. Ron Isola would bring a cow from the Cow Palace and parade it around the field until the cow did a plop. Everyone cheered and looked forward to this event! Not only was it fun but it raised funds for the Athletics program. As part of our 75th anniversary celebrations, we are thrilled to bring this back in lieu of our Purple and Gold Gala! 

We encourage you to contact Jill Micheli,  jmicheli@riordanhs.org about purchasing a raffle ticket for the cow plop. The winner will receive at minimum $15K in prizes or portion of tuition for the 25-26 school year. 

*Student must be enrolled in the 2025-2026 school year. 


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Cow Plop Ticket Information

Contact Jill Micheli

415-586-8200, ext 232 or
